
Female urinary incontinence may be characterized by several symptoms:

  • Involuntary urine loss while laughing, coughing or sneezing;
  • Needing to go to the bathroom often;
  • Desire to urinate in the presence of flowing water;
  • Desire to urinate more than twice during sleep;
  • Painful urination;
  • Stress and Obesity.

Female urinary incontinence may be due to changes in your age-related urinary tract, but there are also other triggers such as urinary or vaginal infections, nerve and muscle disorders, the use of certain drugs, chronic constipation, and abuse of alcoholic or caffeinated beverages. It manifests itself with the inability to control urine, and most cases of incontinence can be cured or at least improved with conventional medicine as well as with alternative medicine. In both cases, it is always advisable to change your lifestyle before starting any type of treatment. First of all, your body weight should be checked. If you are overweight, the excessive increase in pressure on the pelvic muscles can make them weaker. This type of weakness may also be caused by constipation. Stress and obesity should therefore be addressed before resorting to other therapies. Increasing physical activity and the amount of fibre in a diet that excludes alcohol, caffeine and sugar is already an important approach to lifestyle changes that will improve incontinence.

Once you address these two issues, there are also several homeopathic remedies available, depending on the type of urinary incontinence that you are managing. Having a range of protectors with different absorbing power and anatomical shape allows more change, less risk, and greater autonomy in dealing with the problem. Exercising, eating healthy and choosing the proper incontinence product are three ways to effectively combat sensations of inadequacy that incontinence provokes. Choosing the most suitable product for your bladder leakage depends on a variety of factors. The amount of urine that escapes and its frequency are key elements to determining which product will ensure greater protection.